want to drill your next well!
Talon Drilling
Company provides drilling services in New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
New York, Delaware and Maryland. Talon installs monitoring
wells, production wells, and piezometers using Air and Mud
Rotary, Air percussion rotary, Hollow Stem Augers, ODEX and
Rock coring techniques. Talon also provides Geoprobe and Hydropunch
Services for soil and ground water monitoring, well repair,
and well decommissioning services.
Talon Drilling
Company was formed in January 1999 as an Environmental and
Geotechnical Drilling Service firm. The Company was formed
to provide quality drilling services to engineering and environmental
firms in Talon's service area.
Talon's environmental
drilling experience includes monitoring well installations,
following the most stringent guidelines, as specified by U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection, Delaware DNREC, NYSDEC and Maryland Department
of Environmental Protection.
Talon's drillers
are experienced in installation of monitoring wells using
the hollow stem auger, mud rotary (single-, double-, and triple
cased wells), and air percussion rotary drilling methods.
Their experience includes rock coring (NQ and HQ), use of
the ODEX casing underreaming in difficult drilling conditions.
In addition, Talon crews are experienced in installing, testing,
and refurbishing monitoring and production water wells, well
decommissioning, and drilling test borings for sampling of
soils and ground water. They are also experienced in conducting
geotechnical investigations for clients throughout Talon's
service area. Talon drillers and assistants have completed
forty (40) hours OSHA CFR 1910.120 training followed by eight
(8) hour annual updates and maintain Commercial Driver License
(CDL) certification.
Talon's president
holds M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees in Geology and has 28 years of
varied experience in environmental consulting.